Mac delete key to backspace
Mac delete key to backspace

mac delete key to backspace

For many keys, they send the same scancode, however, they are labeled differently.


One major example is Apple vs PC keyboards. I also learned, in the past few years, that the label, wording, on a key, has significant influence on how the key is being adopted by software. Note, Google Chrome removed the function of Backspace ⌫ going to previous page in late 2016. In Linux, Google Chrome also use Backspace ⌫ key for going to previous page, but not so in Firefox by default. But removed sometimes after 2010 when Apple started trackpad with 2-finger gestures. In late 2000s, Apple's Safari browser also adopted this Backspace ⌫ key for going to previous page. They require 2 keys, and going to the previous page is frequently needed. The alternative, such as Alt+ ← or ⌘ command+ [in Linux and Mac, are simply not as convenient. Especially so if you don't have 5-button mouse with dedicated backward/forward buttons.

mac delete key to backspace

However, i found that it is simply very convenient, practical.

mac delete key to backspace

In late 2000s, When i first learned about the Backspace ⌫ Key in Internet Explorer for going to previously viewed page, my thought is: “What a Microsoft abomination!” - there's nothing logical about it. Backspace key, Microsoft Digital Media Keyboard 3000

Mac delete key to backspace